Partners assisting with repatriation of British Nationals from Sudan

White seaxes on a red background.

Update 2 May

Eight flights from Cyprus carrying people being repatriated from Sudan arrived at Stansted airport, with the final flight landing on Sunday 30 April. Partners from public sector and voluntary agencies alongside the airport led the response to welcoming and supporting arrivals.

The Humanitarian Assistance Centre (HAC) established at Stansted Airport is now closed and the operation has moved to a location near the airport run by Uttlesford District Council, with support from local public and voluntary sector partners.

The HAC is providing assistance around travel, housing and health and social care needs, as arrivals from Sudan establish their onward arrangements.

Update 27 April

Further flights from Cyprus carrying British nationals evacuated from Sudan are expected to arrive at Stansted Airport today and into tomorrow morning.

We continue to work with partners including Uttlesford District Council, other local authorities and government departments, NHS and public health, local voluntary services and Stansted Airport to welcome passengers arriving under the repatriation efforts and to ensure their immediate welfare needs are met.

Arrangements remain in place for a second day where those who need it can access health and welfare support, and advice and help with onward travel and accommodation arrangements.

Update 26 April

This statement is issued on behalf of partner organisations in Essex:

Councils, the voluntary sector, health agencies and the police are supporting the operation to repatriate British Nationals evacuated from Khartoum in Sudan by providing welfare, emergency overnight accommodation and health support on arrival at Stansted Airport.

With the first flight having arrived from Cyprus carrying British Nationals today (Wednesday 26 April 2023), agencies including Essex County Council, Essex Police, Uttlesford District Council, the NHS, Public Health, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities working alongside Stansted Airport and the UK Border Force are coordinating the local response.

A welcome point has been set up at the private facility where passengers will be arriving from Cyprus, providing welfare support and advice.

Run by volunteers from the Uttlesford Community Action Network, who have staffed a similar facility for Ukrainian refugees for the past year, the welcome point is providing any immediate welfare support and help with onward travel arrangements as people journey on to their destinations across the country. The British Red Cross are also supporting the operation here, as they are in Cyprus.

It is anticipated that the arrangements will remain in place until at least the end of the week as further British Nationals are evacuated from Khartoum and travel to the UK via Cyprus.