Have your say in our electric vehicle charging network consultation

A family gathered by the boot of a car. Two children, one with a suitcase, a mother and a father holding an electric vehicle charger.

You can have your say on the new Essex Electric Vehicle Charging Point Strategy. A six-week consultation on the strategy launched today to coincide with Clean Air Day.

The strategy aims to improve access to charging points in Essex. Electric vehicles play an important role in reducing emissions and improving air quality.

The strategy focuses on providing the “right charger in the right place”. It sets out a plan to ensure residents, businesses and visitors can access a high-quality charging network.

Councillor Lee Scott, Cabinet Member for Highways Maintenance and Sustainable Transport said: “In Essex, around half of all CO2 emissions are from transport. Supporting the shift towards electric vehicles will be really important in achieving our net zero goals and improving air quality in the county.

“If the current trend continues, about 70% of car and van CO2 emissions could be cut by 2040 through switching to electric vehicles. We cannot let infrastructure be a barrier to achieving that.

“We know transitioning to electric vehicles will only get us so far towards decarbonising road traffic. We are working hard to create a Safer, Greener and Healthier Essex by reducing the need to travel and encouraging people to shift their journeys to sustainable options.”

There are 300 registered public charging points for electric vehicles in the county. Over the coming years, demand is set to grow. Predictions show Essex could need up to 6,000 public charging points by 2030.

Watch this video to find out more about the consultation:

The consultation closes on 30 July, have your say now.