Councils set out concerns as consultation opens for Norwich to Tilbury proposals

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National Grid has opened a consultation on its Norwich to Tilbury proposal. The eight-week consultation closes on Monday 21 August 2023.

The project will see a new 400kV electricity transmission line built between Norwich and Tilbury. It will be made up mostly of overhead line and pylons, along with some underground cables and a new substation.

Residents, landowners, businesses, individuals or groups can take part in the consultation.

We are also being consulted on the proposals, with our neighbours Norfolk County Council and Suffolk County Council. All three councils have already raised concerns to the initial consultation undertaken last year. 

Together with our partners we have expressed further concerns about the latest plans.

Cllr Lesley Wagland OBE, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Economic Renewal, Infrastructure and Planning, said:

We have continued to work with our city, district and borough councils and neighbouring county councils of Norfolk and Suffolk to discuss the Norwich to Tilbury project.

We remain fully committed to our net-zero ambitions and appreciate this involves building infrastructure to connect renewable energy sources to the National Grid. However, we believe this can be far better achieved by viable alternative means, without the detrimental impact to our residents, businesses and the local environment that would be caused by the current proposals.

We will continue to push for changes to the proposals, and I would urge the public to also have their say.

Residents can give their feedback by completing an online form. Comments can also be made by completing a paper feedback form at a consultation event.

Feedback can also be emailed to