How to hold a Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting

Learn how to hold a Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting

A Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting should take place when a concern identifies the need for a multi-agency response. It provides the opportunity to discuss how additional needs can be met.

Before the meeting

A person who the family trusts can discuss with the family the benefits of having a TAF). You can find handouts and resources on the Early help resources page.

Liaising with the family, discuss who should attend, and agree a suitable date, time and venue with them. Practitioners who are invited and cannot attend should provide apologies and a brief update report.

Where parents have agreed to a TAF meeting with other professionals it is best practice to capture the agreement in writing.

At the meeting

  1. Do not have a pre-meet with other professionals, particularly when the family are waiting.
  2. Welcome, introductions and apologies. Avoid all professionals having laptops open in front of them.
  3. Discuss confidentiality - if a child or young person is present, explain in a way that they will understand. Have a copy of the consent statement available.
  4. Ask each member of the family present for an update.
  5. Update from practitioners (if this is the first TAF meeting, the Co-ordinator should provide an overview of why the Early Help Plan was undertaken, as well as the strengths, current needs and expectations of the family).
  6. Review of the latest action plan (only applies to review meetings).
  7. Agree new actions.
  8. Agree next steps making any arrangements for a further TAF before everyone leaves (closure, review meetings and anything else).
  9. A practitioner other than the TAF Co-ordinator should take the notes of the meeting on the TAF template within the Effective Support Guidance.


The initial TAF meeting should take place as soon as possible.

The Team Around the Family should collectively agree the first review date at the initial TAF. Dates will vary depending on circumstances.

Timescales between TAFs could be between 2 weeks and 3 months depending on the needs of the family.

At each review, consider closure if the identified needs have been met.


Contact a Team Around the Family Support Officer

If you are a practitioner, please contact our Team Around the Family Support Officers (TAFSO). TAFSOs can support practitioners to feel confident holding Team Around the Family Meetings and completing Early Help Plans.

Practitioners can email their Team around the Family Support Officer asking for contact to be made with you:

If you are a parent or carer, contact someone at your children's school, nursery or college, or a practitioner you are working with, to discuss having a Team Around the Family meeting.