Council care charges

See the rates we charge for care and support services at home, also called non-residential or domiciliary care, including a link to our charging policy

We charge the following rates for care and support services at home, sometimes called non-residential or domiciliary care.

2024 to 2025 charges

Type of service Frequency Cost
Home Support Services (normal hours) one-to-one Hourly £23.92
Day Care Per session £13.64
Day Care with transport Per session £15.52
Community Support Services group session Per session £13.64
Community Support Services group session with transport Per session £15.52
Shared Lives: Low level of need Per week £327.88
Shared Lives: Medium level of need Per week £437.22
Shared Lives: High level of need Per week £480.97
Shared Lives: Complex level of need Per week £480.97
Night waking Hourly £21.72
Night sleeping Hourly £12.84
24-hour care Hourly £12.76
Maximum weekly charge Per week £2,128

Your charges will start from the first day of your care.

If this is before your financial assessment is complete, you might be invoiced for the full cost of your care. We will adjust your invoice once the financial assessment is complete.

You won't be charged for care if you go into hospital as you will not be receiving care and support at home.

How care charges work

Your 'assessed contribution' is the amount we calculate you can afford to pay based on your financial assessment.

You will never be asked to pay more than your assessed contribution or more than the cost of your care if this is less than your assessed contribution.

You can read our Adult Social Care charging policy document (PDF, 309.9 KB).

Example: care cost is less than assessed charge

Mr. C receives one hour of home support services per week, costing £23.92. His assessed maximum weekly charge (ability to pay) is £56.20.

Mr. C pays the lower charge of £23.92 per week.

Example: assessed charge is less than care costs

Mrs. R receives one hour of home support services per week, costing £23.92. She also attends a day-care centre once a week, with transport, costing £15.52.

The total cost for her care is £39.44. Her assessed maximum weekly charge (ability to pay) is £15.00.

Mrs. R pays the lower charge of £15.00 per week.

Example: assessed charge is more than care costs

Mr. B receives two hours of home support services per week, costing £47.84. He also attends a community support group session once a week, costing £13.64.

The total cost for his care is £61.48. His assessed maximum weekly charge (ability to pay) is £125.25.

Mr. B pays the lower charge of £61.48 per week.

If you are moving into residential care, see our guidance on paying for a care home.