Code of governance

Read the rules and policies that make up our code of governance

We are committed to the seven principles of Good Governance as agreed by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountancy and the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives.

Our local code of governance is underpinned by these principles and is comprised of a framework of policies, procedures, behaviours and values by which the authority is controlled and governed.

The documents that make up this framework provide the structures and guidance that our members and employees require in order to ensure effective governance across our organisation.

Code of governance principles

Our seven principles of Good Governance are:

  1. Behaving with integrity, demonstrating strong commitment to ethical values and respecting the rules of law.
  2. Ensuring openness and comprehensive stakeholder engagement.
  3. Defining outcomes in terms of sustainable economic, social and environmental benefits.
  4. Determining the interventions necessary to optimize the achievement of the intended outcomes.
  5. Developing the entity’s capacity, including the capability of its leadership and the individuals within it.
  6. Managing risks and performance through robust internal control and strong public financial management.
  7. Implementing good practices in transparency, reporting, and audit, to deliver effective accountability.

Code of governance documentation

Annual Governance Statement, within Statement of Accounts

Annual Plan

Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy (PDF, 283.36kB)

Anti-Money Laundering Policy (PDF, 366.91kB)

Code of Conduct for Members, within Constitution

Code of Conduct for Officers (PDF, 212.25 KB)

Code of Conduct Officers easy read (PDF, 3.14 MB)

Foreign travel annual report 2023 to 2024 (PDF, 125.48 KB)

Committee management system (CMIS)

Complaints and Representations Policy (PDF, 233KB)

Constitution, including code of conduct for Councillors

Counter Fraud Strategy (PDF, 391.89kB)

Essex Financial Regulations, including procurement guidelines (PDF, 1.66mB)

Everyone's Essex: our plan for levelling up the county, 2021 to 2025

Forward Plan of Decisions

Health and Safety Policy Statement (PDF, 135.73 KB)

Member Register of Interests, within individual Councillor profiles

Members' allowances scheme, within Constitution

Modern slavery and human trafficking statement

Pay Policy Statement 

Petitions Policy (PDF, 151.01 KB)

Protocol for Member/Officer Relationships, within Constitution

Publication scheme

Risk Management strategy

Scrutiny Information

Senior Officer pages

Standing Orders, for running Full Council Meetings, within Constitution 

Statement of Accounts

Statutory Officer roles and responsibilities: Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer, Section 151 Officer, within Constitution

The Future of Essex (PDF, 395KB)

Trade union facility time

Whistle-blowing Policy(PDF, 101.43 KB)

Your right to know, how to request information from us