Adult social care business plan and local account report

Find out more about our plans and performance within Adult Social Care services in Essex

Business plan

Our business plan for adult social care in Essex between 2024 to 2030 (PDF, 2.2MB) sets out our ambitions and our response to local and national challenges.

Read a summarised version of our adult social care business plan (PDF, 160KB).

Local Account report

Every year we support around 16,000 adults who need help with daily living tasks.

Our 'Local Account' report explains what we have done and how we have provided social care.

The report looks at:

  • what we have achieved
  • how well we are performing
  • what we need to do in the coming year
  • how we spend money on adult social care
  • how you can tell us what you think

Read about adult social care in Essex in 2021 to 2022 (PDF, 827.57KB).

Alternative formats

Read the easy read version of our Local Account report (PDF, 6.84MB).

If you need a version of the report in a more accessible format, please email

Tell us what you think

If you would like to make a comment about adult social care services, please visit our complaints and compliments page.