Join our network of SEND support in Essex

Little boy wearing striped top lies in colourful ball pool smiling.

We are encouraging clubs, groups and organisations to join the Essex Local Offer. This provides information on support for people aged up to 25 with Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

It includes advice if you’re new to SEND and a range of local groups and activities that offer support. The site currently lists over 500 services, groups and activities. These include play centres, sport clubs and employment support.

Clubs, groups and organisations can offer support in different ways. This might be as full-time provision or during dedicated SEND-inclusive sessions.

Joining the Essex Local Offer is free and there is no limit on the size of club or organisation that can join.

Councillor Tony Ball, Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Lifelong Learning and Employability, said: 

With over 500 clubs, groups and activities already listed on the Local Offer website, there is a wealth of support and fun opportunities available for children and young people with SEND and their families across Essex.

“We know the support these organisations offer is a lifeline to many families and so want to build on the existing network to ensure even more can benefit.  If you offer any kind of SEND support, whether exclusively or in addition to your main offer, sign up to the Essex Local Offer for free today.

"If you’re aware of support or services in your local area, please encourage them to join.”

Find out more and request to join the Essex Local Offer.